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Investigate the root cause of the incident


A correct incident investigation is crusial

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Find evidence that holds legal action

Our forensic experts have experience in a variety of cyber incidences and can help your organisation determine what happened, which systems and which type of information has been impacted.

Through a combination of expertise and proven methodology, we can not just help you gain control over the situation and ensure that business operations return to normal, but also provide advice on the best way forward.

Contact us

why sentor?

Capacity, competence and experience


Since 1999, we have helped affected companies in all kinds of industries to handle, investigate and get back on their feet after various types of security incidents.


We have the largest number of technical security experts in Sweden as well as specialists within forensic investigations

Turnkey supplier

With experts in both information security and technical security gathered under one roof, we can investigate and handle incidents of various kinds.

A few words from one of our clients

“We rely on Sentor to check our websites and applications. We are very satisfied with the work that Sentor has performed over the years and the feedback we received. Clearly a trustworthy security partner.”

Christopher AnderssonCIO at Sevenday Finance

Contact us

We offer several contact routes and provide feedback as soon as possible. If you have sensitive information, we ask you to use the encrypted method.