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Red team testing

Get ready to face the adversary

Red team testing

With the entire organisation as target

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Security testing from an attacker's perspective

Sentor's specialist group within Red Team Testing simulates realistic attacks that identify security flaws in techniques and procedures throughout the company.

The attacks are designed according to scenarios that are based on real attacks, but are also adapted based on the threats and risks that your particular organisation is facing. In addition to identifying technical deficiencies, the tests can also be used to evaluate detection capabilities and train your security functions in scenarios that require collaboration.

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A holistic approach to security


By acting as real attackers, our Red Team creates scenario-based attacks that test your organisation's resilience for real, and can be adapted to threats that are specific to your particular business or industry.


The tests clarify weaknesses in all or selected parts of your IT infrastructure, which may include opportunities for lateral movements, alternative access paths to critical data and the opportunity to access key assets such as Active Directory or sensitive applications.

Effective measures

Final report, reporting and communication during the implementation of the test with information about the deficiencies, their severity and effective measures to mitigate the deficiencies and structural weaknesses identified.


By working with experts, you increase the knowledge about your safety in your internal team. Our testers are used to explaining technology, both to developers as well as less technically savvy people, such as a management team.

why sentor?

Capacity, competence and experience


Most penetration testers in Sweden gives us a high delivery capacity and the highest possible quality.


Thanks to our size and our strict recruitment requirements, we have been able to build a dedicated specialist group with cutting-edge expertise in Red Team Testing.


We place great value on being responsive and adapting to your organization's unique needs - no scope is too small or too large!

SOC delivery

If you want to continuously test your resilience, you have the opportunity to upgrade individual Red Team tests to a continuous RedSOC delivery.

A few words from one of our clients

“We rely on Sentor to check our websites and applications. We are very satisfied with the work that Sentor has performed over the years and the feedback we received. Clearly a trustworthy security partner.”

Christopher AnderssonCIO at Sevenday Finance

Contact us

We offer several contact routes and provide feedback as soon as possible. If you have sensitive information, we ask you to use the encrypted method.