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Penetration testing

Find security loopholes before adversaries do

Penetration testing

A hygiene factor for your business

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We find the vulnerabilities others miss

As Sweden's largest actor in security testing and with an experience bank of thousands of penetration tests in all kinds of companies and industries, we have not only learned to find security gaps, but also how to clearly describe them and provide advice about how they can be best addressed.

We always strive to help you achieve the highest level of security possible, so that you can meet the requirements that you and your company are facing.

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why security testing?

High level of security that meets requirements


Today, regular security tests to identify network and system vulnerabilities are standard among reputable companies, and show that your business takes security seriously.


Several regulations and directives require regular pen tests, such as PCI DSS and PSD2. Customers can also demand security tests from their service providers.

Effective measures

Final report, reporting and communication during the implementation of the test include effective measures to mitigate the shortcomings identified.


Increase knowledge about your safety in your internal team. Our testers are used to explaining technology, both to developers as well as less technically savvy people, such as a management team.


why sentor?

Leading in penetration testing in Sweden

High capacity

Having the most penetration testers in Sweden provides us with a high delivery capacity, without unnecessarily long booking horizons.


After more than 20 years in the industry and thousands of penetration tests, our pen test team has the largest pool of experience in the country.


We place great value on being responsive and adapting to your organisation's unique needs - no scope is too small or too large!


Thanks to our size and our strict recruitment requirements, we have specialists in a number of different areas, such as Windows and legacy systems.

A few words from one of our clients

“We rely on Sentor to check our websites and applications. We are very satisfied with the work that Sentor has performed over the years and the feedback we received. Clearly a trustworthy security partner.”

Christopher AnderssonCIO at Sevenday Finance

Contact us

We offer several contact routes and provide feedback as soon as possible. If you have sensitive information, we ask you to use the encrypted method.