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Code review

Detect and remediate coding flaws

Code review

Everything is in your code - even your mistakes

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Identify your security flaws at an early stage

Using our code review service, we make it possible to detect defects at an early stage while we continuously strengthen your developers’ security knowledge.

Our experts focus on balancing speed with precision, when important code sections are reviewed in depth in accordance with a machine learning model that also takes in input from your company’s security organisation.

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why review your code?

Four benefits of code review

Strengthens security

Code review enables security flaws to be detected and remedied, thereby reducing the risk of vulnerable code in the production environment.


By reviewing your code, you can detect deficiencies at an early stage, which keeps the cost down instead of having to repair the damage afterwards.

Creates structure

The audit takes place continuously and in a structured manner, which provides an insight into the audit status, the amount of unchecked code and the most common errors that have been committed.

Increase your internal knowledge

Our code reviewers are in close contact with your development team, which strengthens the internal security level and reduces the risk of future development failures.

code review

why sentor?

Code reviewers with extensive experience


To ensure the highest possible quality, the service is performed by our senior developers and penetration testers with a solid background in development.

Leading technology

The code is examined in depth in accordance with a well-proven machine-learned model that also takes in input from your company's security organisation.


We place great value on being responsive and adapting to your organization's unique needs - no scope is too small or too large!

A few words from one of our clients

“We rely on Sentor to check our websites and applications. We are very satisfied with the work that Sentor has performed over the years and the feedback we received. Clearly a trustworthy security partner.”

Christopher AnderssonCIO at Sevenday Finance

Contact us

We offer several contact routes and provide feedback as soon as possible. If you have sensitive information, we ask you to use the encrypted method.