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Information Security Management Systems

Systematic approaches to managing your sensitive company information


Management system for information security

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We help you all the way to certification

At Sentor, we have years of experience of leading companies in the work of implementing and being certified within various standards for information security. With a clear methodology, we help you understand and structure your work to be able to continuously manage risks and threats to your information assets. In this way, you can feel confident that you and your organisation comply with laws and regulations, have good insight into the strengths and weaknesses of your safety work and a basis for making risk-based decisions that help you achieve your business goals.

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Service in brief

Benefits of implementing an ISMS


Systematic and structured safety work that creates security and clarity around activities, responsibilities and roles

Business based

Business-driven management of threats and risks to the company's information assets based on what is prioritized for the business


Increases awareness of strengths and weaknesses in the organization's security work


Enable compliance with laws and regulations, such as GDPR, but also industry-specific such as PCI DSS and PSD2

Drives businesses

Shows customers and other stakeholders that your organisation is actively working on information security

Competitive advantages

Creates competitive advantages and efficiency in sales processes with requirements for certification according to ISO 27001 or SOC 2, for example

iso 27001 certifiering

A few words from one of our customers

“When we met Sentor, we quickly established a good relationship – personal chemistry is extremely important to us. Something else that stood out from other suppliers was their ability to start by determining and communicating the activities that had the greatest effect on our work and that we should therefore prioritise. It became very hands on when we could see an immediate business benefit.”

Anders GröndahlCEO of Team Engine

why sentor?

The right skills to help your business

Extensive experience

Every year, we help a number of companies of all sizes and in all industries to implement different management systems that lead to certifications and/or compliance.

Active and up-to-date

We carry on an active discussion with industry organisations and auditors to ensure that you, the customer, always receive up-to-date advice and recommendations that help you achieve your business goals.

Turnkey supplier

With experts in both information security and technical security, we are in a unique position to provide you, the customer, with greater insight and help you deal with all kinds of cyber risks that could threaten the success of your business.

Contact us

We offer several contact routes and provide feedback as soon as possible. If you have sensitive information, we ask you to use the encrypted method.