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An overall review of information security within your organisation


What does your security look like?

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We give you a basis that sets the direction

With the aid of the Assessments service, you receive an analysis of the current status of your organisation’s information security according to your business, risk situation and level of ambition. Instead of working on the basis of a limited framework or best practice, we adapt the service to your specific business and its risks, thus providing you with a complete overview of your security situation.

Furthermore, the results provide valuable insights into any need for resources and guidance in future, so you achieve set security goals and meet the requirements imposed on your organisation.

Contact us

A few words from one of our customers

When we met Sentor, we quickly established a good relationship – personal chemistry is extremely important to us. Something else that stood out from other suppliers was their ability to start by determining and communicating the activities that had the greatest effect on our work and that we should therefore prioritise. It became very hands on when we could see an immediate business benefit.”

Anders GrönlundCEO of Team Engine

The service in brief

Three steps to a more efficient security work

iso 27001 certifiering


An independent review of your organisation's security and compliance work based on both internal and external requirements and threat scenarios.


Rapid insight into and understanding of your security situation as well as knowledge of any gaps between your existing status and your desired future status.


Provides direction and fact-based supporting data for decisions in advance of future security work and investments.

why sentor?

Our job – to help you


The path to security is different for every company. We therefore attach great importance to being adaptable and creating joint frameworks that ensure that the service provided covers all aspects that are relevant to achieving the required end result.

Active and up-to-date

We carry on an active discussion with industry organisations and auditors to ensure that you, the customer, always receive up-to-date advice and recommendations that help you achieve your business goals.

Turnkey supplier

With experts in both information security and technical security gathered under one roof, we are in a unique position to provide you, the customer, with greater insight and help to deal with all kinds of cyber risks that could threaten the success of your business.

Contact us

We offer several contact routes and provide feedback as soon as possible. If you have sensitive information, we ask you to use the encrypted method.