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Our cyber security services

Cyber security services developed and delivered by experts, tailored to your specific needs


Unique needs require tailor-made solutions

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We solve your security needs

Our services are designed and tailored to meet the needs of your particular security puzzle. With combined expertise in different areas, our goal is to be your one-stop shop for cybersecurity services, from helping you identify and understand your needs and guiding you to solutions that will benefit your organisation the most, to testing and protecting your business against advanced threats.

Contact us

why sentor?

Competent, flexible and independent

Cybersecurity natives

Sentor works exclusively with cyber security. This means that we can always be at the forefront, providing you with the most up-to-date and proactive solutions for your security needs. 

Big enough to scale, small enough to care

Our company size means we have the delivery capacity for both large and small jobs, while still being able to devote our attention to you, the customer. Every customer is important to us, regardless of their size or project. 

Vendor independent

Whatever technologies or suppliers you use, we do our utmost to tailor our services and deliverables to your business. We are driven by finding solutions to any problems that may arise when different technologies and people interact.

Contact us

We offer several contact routes and provide feedback as soon as possible. If you have sensitive information, we ask you to use the encrypted method.