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Trainee program

Trainee program

Training the future talents of hacking

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Ready for your next step?

Our trainee program is held by Sentor's internal training managers who set goals and individual development plans for accepted trainees. Since all trainees have different levels of knowledge, some parts of the training need to be tailored, while other parts are generally held for all participants.

Each trainee is given a clear plan of what their specific journey from trainee to junior consultant looks like; everything from knowledge gaps that need to be filled, to elements and educations that need to be completed. At the end of the training, all trainees are allowed to accompany senior colleagues on assignments to see and learn how it works in the field.

To the career site!

The trainee program

Common questions

How often is the program arranged?

Usually a new trainee group starts every spring and autumn. To get information about when it's time to apply, we recommend that you connect with our career page.

What does it take to be admitted?

To ensure that we continue to belong to the absolute top tier of the industry, we only recruit the best talent with a genuine interest in IT security.

How long does the program last?

The program usually lasts for about 9 months, with some individual adjustments depending on prior knowledge and learning ability.

What happens afterwards?

When a trainee has completed the training, the employment is transferred to a junior consulting role, which then continues until the next level of consulting is reached.


A few words from a former trainee

former trainee

"As a trainee at Sentor, you get to learn new things every day in a fun and inspiring environment together with like-minded people. Everyone gets a personalized program that both leaves room for their own development as well as together with others in the group. We get plenty of time to learn things thoroughly, and unlike many other companies, you are not thrown out to the customer to charge before you feel ready. At Sentor, there is also a culture of knowledge sharing, and many set aside a lot of time to help and train us trainees. Overall I thrive very well and have developed a lot during my time here."

Paul NyrénFormer Sentor trainee

Contact us

We offer several contact routes and provide feedback as soon as possible. If you have sensitive information, we ask you to use the encrypted method.